Types of Services
Fixed Route Service
Scheduled bus service that operates on fixed route and has fixed schedules
Route 1 Town Shuttle/ Erickson and Route 4 Wynndel
- 4,510 annual passenger trips
By-Request Service
Passengers can request curb-to-curb service throughout the Creston Valley Transit System on Mondays and on Thursdays during specific windows by booking 24 hours ahead.
- 225 annual passenger trips
Health Connections Service
Health Connections is a transit service providing the Creston Valley with accessible transportation options to access non-emergency medical appointments in Cranbrook by booking 24 hours ahead.
Route 6 Creston-Cranbrook Connector
- 2,013 annual passenger trips
handyDART is a door-to-door, shared transit service for people unable to take fixed-route transit.
- 7,542 annual passenger trips
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