Salt Spring Island Transit Future Service Plan

Consultation has concluded

BC Transit and the Capital Regional District have completed this plan. Review the engagement summary here and the final plan here.

Thanks to all who shared their thoughts on the future of transit service on Salt Spring Island! We appreciate your commitment to make transit better in your community

What is a Transit Future Service Plan?

A planning document that identifies improvements to transit services and describes the path to implement those improvements. The plan typically focuses on changes to be made in the short to medium term.

BC Transit and the Capital Regional District have completed this plan. Review the engagement summary here and the final plan here.

Thanks to all who shared their thoughts on the future of transit service on Salt Spring Island! We appreciate your commitment to make transit better in your community

What is a Transit Future Service Plan?

A planning document that identifies improvements to transit services and describes the path to implement those improvements. The plan typically focuses on changes to be made in the short to medium term.

Consultation has concluded