Terrace Transit Future Service Plan

Consultation has concluded

At the November 9th, 2021 Committee of the Whole meeting, Terrace received and endorsed the Terrace Transit Future Service Plan. The plan can be found here or downloaded under the documents tab.

The goal of the Terrace Transit Future Service Plan is to help guide future decision-making for transit in the City of Terrace. This plan will focus on the local transit routes providing service within Terrace and to Thornhill. Interregional routes providing connections to other communities like Kitimat or the Hazeltons are not part of this plan.

BC Transit and the City of Terrace have completed the public engagement portion of this plan. Thank you to everyone who took the time to provide us with feedback.

The engagement summary can be downloaded under the documents tab or found here.

What is a Transit Future Service Plan?

A planning document that identifies improvements to transit services and describes the path to implement those improvements. The plan typically focuses on changes to be made in the short to medium term.

At the November 9th, 2021 Committee of the Whole meeting, Terrace received and endorsed the Terrace Transit Future Service Plan. The plan can be found here or downloaded under the documents tab.

The goal of the Terrace Transit Future Service Plan is to help guide future decision-making for transit in the City of Terrace. This plan will focus on the local transit routes providing service within Terrace and to Thornhill. Interregional routes providing connections to other communities like Kitimat or the Hazeltons are not part of this plan.

BC Transit and the City of Terrace have completed the public engagement portion of this plan. Thank you to everyone who took the time to provide us with feedback.

The engagement summary can be downloaded under the documents tab or found here.

What is a Transit Future Service Plan?

A planning document that identifies improvements to transit services and describes the path to implement those improvements. The plan typically focuses on changes to be made in the short to medium term.

Terrace Transit System

about 4 years

Click on the Add Pin (+) button in the menu to provide feedback on the following themes:

  1. Add your primary origin and primary destination*. This will help us determine where the busiest routes may be in Terrace.
  2. Suggest improvements near bus routes that you would like to see
  3. Suggest other improvements, like bringing transit to your neighbourhood
  • *Primary Origin is where you typically start your travel day; your home neighborhood or similar
  • *Primary Destination is where you typically travel to on an average weekday

CLOSED: This map consultation has concluded.