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Kelowna Regional Transit Fare Review Survey

The Kelowna Regional Transit System is seeking feedback from the public as a part of the fare review process. The fare review process looks to assess existing fare pricing and products to ensure they balance affordability, ridership growth, and cost recovery (the percentage of transit operating expenses which are covered by passenger fares).  As a part of this process, Kelowna Regional Transit invites you to complete this five-minute survey and provide your input on changes being considered for fixed-route and custom transit in Kelowna. 

Why are fares being reviewed?

Fares are an essential part of funding and maintaining public transportation in your community. The fare review process is typically undertaken on a three to five-year cycle. The fare review process was delayed due to the COVID-19 pandemic and was last undertaken in 2015. Since this time, demand for transit and the cost of operation has continued to increase.

How is transit funded?

Funding to maintain and expand transit service comes from a variety of sources, including provincial funding, local government funding in the form of property taxes, fare revenue, and advertising.